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Reshaping our Malfunctioning World: Change is in the Air

New York 8:00 am | Rio 9:00 am | London 12:00 noon | Rome/Geneva 1:00 pm
Johannesburg 2:00 pm |Istanbul/Athens/Cairo 3:00 pm | Tehran 3:30 pm
New Delhi 5:30 pm | Jakarta 6:00 pm | KL/Beijing/Perth 8:00 pm
Seoul 9:00 pm | Melbourne 11:00 pm | Auckland 1:00 am (Monday)

A webinar is coming your way that will tackle head-on some of the troubling questions raised by the virtual impotence of the UN in the face of terrible wars, senseless, bloodshed and war crimes. Similarly, with the almost complete disregard of international law by governments right across the spectrum. What we're focussing on is: where to from here? What might be promising new approaches, new ideas, new initiatives - ways of reforming the UN system.

The webinar brings together a diverse and uniquely equipped group of intellectuals and practitioners for a lively, thought-provoking, even provocative conversation.

Following the four presentations we will distil a strategic direction for future engagement with the focus on concrete initiatives that SHAPE, together with other civil society organisations and perhaps some likeminded governments and international agencies, can pursue in coming months and beyond.

Do join us for this overdue conversation, together with others in your circle of friends and contacts.

Event poster is available here.

26 May

The unfolding catastrophe in Gaza and the deepening regional and global crisis